Peace, quiet and community life reign in this pretty seaside village, a repeat winner in the Canada-wide Communities In Bloom competition. Oceanside Task Force on Homelessness. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA THAT Council adopts the January 11, 2023 special Council meeting agenda. Luke Sales, Director of Planning . Public Open House 10:00 am. The Town departments carry out the policies and decisions of Council, provide advice and recommendations to Council on topics related to their areas of responsibility, and manage the budgets authorized by Council for the various functions and programs of. 5-hour drive from Victoria. 69-72 (a) Development Variance Permit: 2119 Island Highway West Staff Recommendation:Operating in Qualicum Beach; Tourism ; Stay Engaged. Meeting Format. See all office Locations. Website: Open Site. Planning & Building. This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as “Town of Qualicum Beach Airport Establishment and. Fax: 250. C. Strategic Plan 2022-2026. site at 845 Village Way, as described in the Aug. 9. Financial Planner. 752. (Weather station: MADIS Weather Station CVOQ (OTHER-MTR), Canada). It’s easily accessible from the mainland by ferries that go to Nanaimo or Victoria, at about a 40-minute drive from Nanaimo or a 2. Campfire Ban - June 2023. Town of Qualicum Beach . Agenda for the 2:00 pm Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Town of Qualicum Beach Advisory Planning Commission Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber, Municipal Office, 660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC 1. Page 4. 2020 Planning memo to Council, subject to a future design review by Council. Phase 2 - Community consultation was undertaken to determine community. Regular Council Meeting 10:00 am. Perfect Storm group Talks to Council. Spider Lake Provincial Park. G. 9. Valdy: Music @ the Museum. These water mains are simply a supplement to. Board of Variance. 1 . Agenda for the 10:00 am Wednesday, June 8, 2022, Town of Qualicum Beach Regular Council Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber, Municipal Office, 660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC . Central Vancouver Island is a relaxed haven of sandy beaches with warm water, mountain-ringed valleys, agricultural fields, and relaxed coastal communities like Parksville and Courtenay/Comox. (This meeting may be recorded) 1. Operating in Qualicum Beach; Tourism ; Stay Engaged. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. 752. Qualicum Beach. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES 4-13 THAT Council approves the September 16, 2019 special Council meeting minutes. Avenue West to the Advisory Planning Commission for comment, subject to the following: • Submission of a tree and vegetation. Since Planning is attempting to avoid an OCP amendment and. M E M O R A N D U M . (This meeting may be recorded) 1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of the Town of Qualicum Beach held October 3, 2005 at 7:30 p. +1-888-675-2083. Beach. Jul 24, 2023. 2022 Advisory Planning Commission Meeting . comCommunication Updates. Please Note: This list includes candidates that have filed nomination papers for the Town of Qualicum Beach 2021 Local By-Election and will be updated as papers are received. Phone: 250-752-6921. Email: Send Email. • Stephen Smith, 750 West Ridge Way, commented on. (This meeting may be recorded) 1. M E M O R A N D U M . Qualicum Beach is a quaint and unique coastal community that offers natural recreation, an enjoyable and relaxed lifestyle, and a temperate climate. Related: A press release reporting out on the initial meetings of the Fire Hall working group can be found by clicking here. Time: 5:30pm to 9pm. Qualicum Beach's natural environment and proximity to Victoria and Vancouver have. Planning & Building Mapping Official Community Plan Building Permits Land Use & Subdivision Requirements Development Permits Development Cost Charges Works & Services Agreements Green Building Oceanside Task Force on Homelessness Strategic Plan 2022-2026 Current Developments Public HearingMinutes of the 7:00 pm Monday, October 7, 2019, Town of Qualicum Beach Regular Council Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Municipal Office, 660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC . Meet Here. THE PROPERTY The property is shown below. Strategic Plan 2022-2026. Mail: Box 130, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1S7; Phone: 250-752-6921; Email: communic[email protected]. Development Permits. ADJOURNMENT THAT the Council. Earlier this year, the Town of Qualicum Beach was awarded funding to create a new. M083 [Local Government Meetings and Bylaw Process (COVID-19)] members of the Committee may participate in this meeting utilizingThe Civic Centre is located at 747 Jones Street, Qualicum Beach BC. (This meeting may be recorded) 1. Eng. 752. Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1S7 T: 250. Development Cost Charges. View the Conference Venues and Meeting Facilities available for planning your event in Parksville Qualicum Beach. 01, 2022 be given second reading. Qualicum Beach Town Hall #201 - 660 Primrose St. August 30 to October 15, 2022. In 2018 Official Community Plan identified potential uses for the space, after much public consultation. Choose Parksville Qualicum Beach for your next oceanfront meeting, association conference, sport event, wedding or corporate retreat. Director of Planning . The agenda for this meeting will be posted a minimum of two business days before the meeting date. CARRIED . Qualicum Beach Beach or call Wayne at Qualicum 250-954-2135 Does someone you know need help. I hold the Personal Financial Planner (PFP. Debra Boyle , Qualicum Beach, expressed thanks to Town staff and asked about i tem 15, College Heights, on the Strategic Plan, and whether the proponent has made plans for the nine units, and if so, will the plans be available to the. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. Overview. Brown SECONDED, THAT the. Board of Variance Meeting 3:00 pm (if required) Aug 16, 2023. CARRIED . Email: Send Email. Street, Qualicum Beach, BC . 13. Agenda for the 10:00 am Wednesday, April 12, 2023, Town of Qualicum Beach Regular Council Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber, Municipal Office, 660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC . If the plans conform to zoning regulation, then the plans. (This meeting may be recorded). It is a 3 day event organised by VIEP. Community Visitors History & Heritage Qualicum First Nation Arts, Culture & Education School District No. the Whole Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber, 660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC Page No (This meeting may be recorded) 1 1. The developers have been required to submit a. There is easy access to well lit parking for 220 vehicles, and we are minutes from the Qualicum Beach Airport, train and bus stations. (This meeting may be recorded) 1. community meetings including all POSAC, PIM and other park related public meetings. This eleven-member Select Committee on Beach Day meets each month (except September, October and November), to provide input, service and advice to Council and staff in the creation, development and delivery of the community-wide celebration known as Beach Day, held annually in July. Advisory Planning Commission Meeting : May 20, 2021 at 2:00 pm: Agenda: Minutes: Video: Environment & Sustainability Committee Meeting: May 19. Jul 24, 2023. In 2009, when the housing needs assessment was completed, the average sale price. from $147/night. Document Library;. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 1-5 THAT Council adopts the February 4, 2019, regular Council meeting. Agenda for the Meeting of Council of the Town of Qualicum Beach to be held , 1998 at 7:30 pFire Hall Public Information Meeting Presentation. Planning Permits. Stay Engaged. Contact Reno Sun, Manager of GIS & Information Technology Phone: 250. Land Use & Subdivision Requirements. Beach Advisory Planning Commission Meeting held in Committee Room, Municipal Office, 660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC Pursuant to the March 26, 2020 Ministerial Order No. View upcoming meeting details;. Improvements to the trail system are always underway, but we are proud to have the excellent trail system that we do today. Qualicum Beach 2024 Quality of Life Survey. Post-dated cheques are encouraged. Phone: 250. #201-660 Primrose Street. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (2). Works & Services Agreements. (2) Planning. Fire Permit for Garden Refuse. Click the map below to go to Google Maps. Christmas Tree Light Up @ 5:30pm in the Town Square outside Baileys. It regulates what a property can be used for, and addresses such matters as setbacks, building heights, lot coverage, density, floor area, accessory uses for property, and landscaping provisions. Create a Secondary Suite or Garden Suite. The May 2009 Affordable Housing Needs assessment first highlighted an unmet demand for affordable rental market housing for fixed income seniors and families. ft. The Qualicum Beach Civic Centre 747 Jones Street Qualicum Beach, BC Canada V9K 1S4 Phone: 250. The Town of Qualicum Beach is a growing community with an increasing population of over 9,000 residents. 19 meeting: “THAT Council directs staff, after execution of a satisfactory lease agreement, to provide Land Use Concurrence for the proposed TELUS Communications Inc. 660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC Pursuant to the Town of Qualicum Beach Council Procedure Bylaw No. 88 reviews #17 of 28 Restaurants in Qualicum Beach $$ - $$$ Italian Seafood Canadian. 5 miles (12 km) west of Parksville on the Oceanside Route (Hwy 19A). Agenda for the Regular Meeting of the Town of Qualicum Beach Airport Users Committee to be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, at 2:00 pm in the Committee Room, Town Hall, 660. Upcoming Meetings. The East Village is an area framed by Memorial Avenue, and bordered by Fir Street, Fern Road and Berwick Road, and holds huge potential for the Town. THAT the Committee of the Whole adopts the September 6 , 2018 Committee. 752. Heritage Forest Commission. TO: Luke Sales, Director of Planning FOR: Council Meeting, October 28, 2020 . Public Open House 10:00 am. Town of Qualicum Beach April 21, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes - DRAFT Page 5 of 7 . Office. jpeg. Opposed: Councillor Skipsey . Walk along sandy beaches, or enjoy canoeing, hiking, swimming, fishing and the beautiful natural attractions that Qualicum Beach has to offer. THAT Council refers the motion on the floor to a future closed Council meeting. Lecturn or podium, easel and microphones are provided. Fax: 250. Nov 25, 2021. Share. July 2023: S M T W T FQualicum Beach is a town in the Regional District of Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Lots of fun for all ages! Come out and dance the night away! Food Vendors and refreshments will be available on site. The department develops and implements long-range plans which meet the. 752. Three dozen children and their families in Qualicum Beach now have access to the recently opened Into the Woods Early Learning Child Care Studio. Appointment of the Chair (per Part 5, section 5. Water Services. ” Contact Luke Sales, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Ph: 250. Advisory Planning Commission. Planning & Building. Members of Council are elected for a four-year term. Parks & Trails. CAO . P. Corporate Administrator. The facility is a one-level structure, easily accessible. Over the years, this land has been discussed, and its future use envisioned. Contact. 1243. Check out who is attending exhibiting speaking schedule & agenda reviews timing entry ticket fees. 3506 Island Highway West, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K2H4 ~6. (This meeting may be recorded) 1-3 1. 1993Minutes of the 2:00 pm Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Town of Qualicum Beach Committee of the Whole Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Municipal Office, 660 Primrose Street,. Tomorrow, April 10,the perfect storm group is making a presentation to Council. Land Use & Subdivision Requirements. com or 250. DRAFT Minutes of the 2:00 pm Tuesday, January 10, 2023, Town of Qualicum Beach Advisory Planning Commission Meeting held in Council Chambers, Municipal Office,. Discover QBThe Town of Qualicum Beach owns a parcel of land locally called 'the Bus Garage' . ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA THAT the Committee of the Whole adopts the September 4 , 2019. M. Works & Services Agreements. The Council of the Town of Qualicum Beach, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: 1. Select Committee on Public Safety, Accessibility & Emergency Preparedness. Read the "Council Corner" summary of each meeting. 2020 the application went before the Advisory Planning Commission. Closing date: June 13, 2023 (or until filled) Job competition status: Interviews in progress.