Procurephx. Submittal requirements are as follows: Vendor Information: All firms must be registered in the City’s Vendor Management System prior to submitting a proposal. Procurephx

 Submittal requirements are as follows: Vendor Information: All firms must be registered in the City’s Vendor Management System prior to submitting a proposalProcurephx  pdf

RFx Number: 60000001402. Login to ProcurePHX • If your firm is already registered with the City of Phoenix’s ProcurePHX system, visit nix. Office of the City Engineer. Or see our complete list of local country numbers. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 906000000 RFx 6000001421. no. We recommend also periodical y checking for currentso icitations posted by the various city of Phoenix departments. Vendor Your vendor number with the City 2. Registrat. 9/21 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified Construction Manager at. To do business with the city you must register in procurePHX. RFx (Event) Number is: 6000001179. RFx 6000001214 . Point of Contact for Submittals and RFQ Questions. 78535. Please MUTE your microphone & turn off your camera. procurePHX Portal Registration This information is intended for a registered city vendor or a vendor who has recently registered. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 925000000 . Welcome and Introductions City of Phoenix Representatives Liz Blakley, Contracts Specialist Point of Contact for Bid Questions Office of the City EngineerPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000 RFx Number: 6000001354 Meeting will start at 1:05 p. Solicitation Number. August 22, 2022. Water Services. TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF PHOENIX Fire Department 150 S. 2 Liz Blakley, Contracts Specialist Office of the City Engineer elizabeth. 9/21 PROJECT NUMBER – VARIOUS PAGE 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . heather. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 912000000 RFx 6000001070 March 8, 2021 Pre-Submittal Meeting. Consultant Prequalification. If a Remit to Address is entered, all payments will be mailed to that address. e. Once the self-registration process is complete, vendors WII receive a notice via e-mail when there. Nicolas Zavala, PE, Civil Engineer III. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Samantha B. A contract will be executed upon completion ofPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000 RFx Number: 6000001320 November 29, 2022 9:00AM WebEx PRE-BID MEETING. Remit to Street Address: Street address of remit to address. Tax Jurisdiction. May 2, 2023. Buckeye Road, Phoenix, AZ 85034 Page 2 Solicitation Number: AVN RFP 23-033 Rev. Once the self-registration process is complete, vendors will receive a notice via e-mail when there is a solicitation within their stated scope of work. PRE-BID MEETING. Federal Employer ID Number: This is the federal number assigned to your business. Find your W9 on your computer byOurFull ServiceApproach. The information contained herein is designed to help you navigate through the maze of how to do business with the city of Phoenix. Please MUTE your microphone & turn off your camera. Washington St. procurePHX Portal Registration This information is intended for a registered city vendor or a vendor who has recently registered. Each SOQ will be evaluated according to the evaluation criteria in the RFQ. If you have questions or problems registering, please contact Vendor Support at (602) 262-1819 or Vendor. RFx Number: 6000001387. Now scroll down to the bottom of the screen and look for Attachments. Note: The VENDOR NUMBER is to be included on the cover of the Statement OfPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 925000000 RFx: 6000001398. gov (602) 534- 1423 . submitted into the design and construction procurement bid box located on the 1st floor lobby of the phoenix city hall building, 200 w. Office of the City Engineer. Office of the City Engineer. gov (602) 534-1423procurephx product category code 912000000 . 2 Liz Blakley, Contracts Specialist Office of the City Engineer elizabeth. City of Phoenix Representatives Kathleen Kennedy, Contracts Specialist. ED20000008 CMAR RFQ Rev. Need Help? Email vendor. Description of procurephx . InstructionsRegistrat. Welcome and Introductions Debra Russell, Contract Specialist II –Team Lead, Point of Contact for Submittals and RFQ QuestionsPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000, 925000000, 906000000 RFx Number: 6000001153 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING OCTOBER 8, 2021 MEETING WILL START SOON Please MUTE your microphone & turn off your camera. Add a W9 to procurePHX Portal Step 1. Welcome and Introductions. RFx Number: [email protected] PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000. INTRODUCTION [email protected]. Heather Roye, Contracts Specialist [email protected]. 2 Liz Blakley, Contracts Specialist Office of the City Engineer elizabeth. , 8th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85003 RELEASE DATE: August 4, 2022procurephx product category codes: 925000000, 906000000, 962580000 rfx number: 6000001273 architectural services procurephx product category code: 906000000 rfx number: 6000001271 cmar services procurephx product category code: 912000000 rfx number: 6000001275 (6000001272) pre-submittal meeting june 16, 2022Answer: On the ProcurePHX website, in RFx 6000000699, attached to Notification No. a confirmation email once you submit your SOQ via the ProcurePHX system. PA75200491-1 Questions pertaining to process or contract issues should be directed to Heather Roye at (602) 261-8894 or heather. Publication Date. CL WORKSHEETWelcome and Introductions Julie B. CL WORKSHEET DEMOGRAPHICS • Every Phoenix client served must have a race recorded • For HUD reporting purposes, Hispanic is not a separate race but an ethnicity associated with a race • Other Multi-racial ≠Hispanic. procurePHX Contact Person Information The email address listed in this section will be set-up as the administrator for the company. Office of the City Engineer. m. Inquiries All questions that arise relating to this solicitation should be directed via email to theSolicitation Number: RFQu 21-LAW-003 Doc# 2281444 Page 2 Rev. 1. gov (602) 495-3654 Aaron Di Maggio, Civil Engineer II Water Services DepartmentProcurePHX online portal by the due date and time •Violating “Contact with City Employees” policy •Failure to submit EO1 Form electronically through the ProcurePHX online portal by the due date and time • CMAR SERVICES ONLY: Failure to submit Bonding Statement electronically through the ProcurePHX online portal by the due date and timeBusiness Bootcamp "ProcurePHX" Image from eventbrite. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 925000000 . Office of the City Engineer, Design and Construction Procurement. Annette Perez, Contracts [email protected]. Location. ST87600131 CMAR RFQ Rev. ST85100449 CMAR RFQ [email protected]. 01/29/2021 02:00 PM EST. If you are registered as a City of Phoenix vendor already, check that your address is correct both in MARGO and in procurePHX. On the Administration Tab click on the Company Data tab. 2/23 CONSTRUCTION ADMISTRATION & INSECTION SERVICES PAGE 1 PROJECT NUMBER: WS90300008 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . To register, you must have a signed, scanned copy of your W-9. and . elizabeth. Water Services Department Project Presenter: Dan Burt P. submitted into the design and construction procurement bid box located on the 1st floor lobby of the phoenix city hall building, 200 w. All of this at no cost to you! The Phoenix Small Business Toolbox gives you access to everything in one place to start, manage or grow your business. gov/irj/portal to login and access the electronic solicitation • Product Category Code is: XXX000000 • RFx (Event) Number is: 6000000XXX • Note: The VENDOR NUMBER is to be includedPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000 RFX NUMBER: 60000001149 NOVEMBER 18, 2021, 2:00 PM VIA WEBEX. The City of Phoenix is seekingup to 10 qualified consultants to provide Grant Writing Consulting On-CallPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 912000000 . In procurePHX there are two portal roles: Administrator. gov (602) 2564107 -Breanna Connolly,ND30010035 PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 912000000 RFx 6000001335 COP No. SOILS AND MATERIALS TESTING ON -CALL SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES RFQ REV. 7/21/2023 9:00 AM. gov (602) 534- 2418 Larry Valenzuela, PE Civil Engineer III Water Services DepartmentPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 925000000, 926000000 & 962580000 . PRE-BID MEETING. Invitation For Bid #IFB-23-0091 Title: Occupational Clothing and Accessories 5 . PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000 RFx Number: 6000001250 July 7, 2022 Pre-Submittal Meeting. Welcome and Introductions. Meeting will start at 1:05 p. RFx 6000001402. 9/21 WS85050023 AND WS85400007 PAGE 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . SECTION I - INSTRUCTIONS CITY OF PHOENIX Page 4 of 61 1. 1. City of Phoenix Finance Department 251 W. The Aviation Department anticipates services required on an as-needed basis, may include, but are not limited to,. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 926000000 and 925000000 RFx Number: 6000001022 January 19, 2021 PRE-SUBMITTAL [email protected]. PRE-BID MEETING. PRE-BID MEETING. Here, you’ll find details about contracting opportunities, vendor qualifications, proposals and how to bid on projects. Meeting will start soon. Water Services Contract Specialist/Procurement Officer Elizabeth Blakley Pre-Offer Conference/Pre-Submittal Meeting 02/06/2023 11:00 AM Date Due 02/17/2023. In fact, working with us is like adding extra people to your staff – new team members who just happen to be. E. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 912000000 RFx 6000001349 . on for the procurePHX system open to any and all interested vendors. Meeting will start soon. Pre-Offer Conference/Pre-Submittal Meeting. Click on Add Attachment. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS JOC REV 9/21 FREEWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 2-Step JOB ORDER CONTRACT PROJECT 4108JOC206 PAGE 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The City of Phoenix is seeking up to two qualified contractors to do. Arizona. June 23,2023. Office of the City Engineer. Water Services. A. procurePHX. Allow Functional Cookies to enable chat. section i - instructions city of phoenix rfqu 21-123 appraisal services for citywide and/or public transit projects page 3 rev. gov. The City of. Office of the City Engineer. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS JOC REV 9/21 STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 2-STEP JOB ORDER CONTRACT PROJECT 4108JOC201 PAGE 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The City of Phoenix is seeking qualified contractors to do business on. gov (602) 261-8894 . PRE-BID MEETING. 31 of an odd numbered year (e. Online Bid Date: 12/01/2022. E. In the event of an emergency purchase, the City may provide a ten digit shopping cart number beginning. Change for Phoenix. Welcome and Introductions Tonja Lepur, Contracts Specialist. The portal provides access to the solicitations that are open for bid. Click on Change. 9/21 WS90100115 PAGE 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . In order to do business with any City of Phoenix Airport, you must be willing to accept a purchase order. Complete an upload a W9 [irs. Solicitation/Project Number. procurePHX: Comprehensive information on doing business with the city as a vendor, contractor or other business. We recommend also periodical y checking for currentso icitations posted by the various city of Phoenix departments. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS. on for the procurePHX system open to any and all interested vendors. has control of the account. Smith, Contracts Specialist II. Risk Management-Claim Fo rm. City of Phoenix Representatives. Submittal Requirements Electronic submittal process Must be a registered vendor with the City of Phoenix Receive emails from “Workflow System” – NOT JUNK / SPAMPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 912000000 RFx 6000001223 . SECTION I – INSTRUCTIONS . QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: 1. , 9th floor Phoenix, AZ 85003 602-262-7166/voice [email protected] ensure prompt payment of invoices, a valid purchase order n umber must appear on all invoices, packing slips and any correspondence concerning the order. We ask for clarification from the City of Phoenix regarding the application of paragraph 2. 7. City of Phoenix Representatives. 1. By accessing and using procurePHX, you are hereby consenting to submit information or transact with the city of Phoenix electronically, and you are representing that: (i) you are an authorized user, and that you have properly logged into the system utilizing your unique user identification and password; (ii) you have all requisite permissions to enter data or. 20. Smith, Contracts Specialist II Office of the City Engineer julie. 3. Current City of Phoenix purchase order numbers are ten digits beginning with “44”. RFx 6000001310. city of phoenix, arizona office of the city engineer design and construction procurement request for qualifications 100 w. The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified consultant team to provide construction administration and. Please hold questions until the Q&A period. RFx 6000001238 . November 29, 2022. heather. Steel Tank Rehabilitation and Concrete Reservoir Program Job Order Contract 4108JOC219 - VARIOUS. The City of Phoenix Aviation Department desires to establish an Airport Development Program Qualified Vendor List to provide program management services for a variety of civil and building capital improvement projects. Click on Change. The City of Phoenix is seekinga qualified consultant team to provide. Use of this list allows city departments to acquire IT professional services more quickly than conducting individual solicitations. 122019PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 925000000. RFx Number: 6000001376. gov (602) 495-3654 Cristina Nieves, Civil Engineer II Water Services Department Welcome and Introductions. Tip 1. A letter of clearance for each owner and employee is required. 9/21 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . , 2019, 2021. submitted into the design and construction procurement bid box located on the 1st floor lobby of the phoenix city hall building, 200 w. Welcome and Introductions. Locked Registered members only. pdf.